Master Lock 5400EC Combination Lock – 5 Star Review


Price Range: $20.00 to $65.95

"Recently, I was stepping out of my apartment to run an errand. As I walked out the door, I reached back and locked the handle from the inside as I'd done a million times. Then, as I pulled the door shut with one hand, I reached down and patted my pocket with the other to make sure I had my keys, and realized about a second too late that I had left my keys on the other side of that locked door. I bought this lock box the next day. In this day and age, it's too risky to hide a spare key outside your front door. We've all seen the movies and TV shows where people have spare keys under the doormat, on top of the door frame, under a rock in the garden or inside a fake rock in the garden. Why go through the trouble of hiding it in a non secure spot when you can place it in plain view inside a combination lock box that only you know the combination to? This Master Lock lockbox is great. You can set your own 4 digit combination, so you'll be sure to never forget it. And I like that the dials are covered by a little door to shield them from the elements." - Ray

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Posted in Appliances, Tools & Home Improvement.